To streamline recurring service issues and improve efficiency, we’ve simplified our process for handling missed pick ups. Starting January 1st, only the designated Missed Pick Up form will be used to address these issues—phone calls, direct emails, or other forms won’t be processed or responded to.
We’ve worked hard to reduce the number of steps involved in resolving missed pick-ups, cutting it down from 5-6 steps to just 2. When you use the form, your message reaches our entire team simultaneously, and your driver is notified directly, ensuring faster and more efficient service.
Please update your records with our business contact number—click on PHONE CALLS above or icon below for the number. Starting January 1st, inquiries made to any other number will not be processed. We’re happy to assist you at this number Monday through Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM. Any calls made during the weekend or holidays will be answered on the next business day.
There is a dedicated form for pausing services. Please use this to let us know when you will be away and return, and the period for which you don’t need pick up.